Our history

Tahmoor Colliery’s history

Tahmoor Coking Coal Operations is located within the traditional lands of the Dharawal people.

Learn more about our history.

  1. Commenced mining of Tahmoor South Domain

    Tahmoor South Domain mining commenced on 18 October 2022.

    Completed mining of Western Domain

    Mining in the Western Domain area was completed on 13 September 2022.

  2. Tahmoor Mine celebrated 40 years

    40 years since the mine was opened by Treasurer of NSW, the honourable KG Booth on 23 October 1981.

    IPC approval

    Tahmoor Coal welcomes the Independent Planning Commission’s conditional approval of Tahmoor South.

    Record annual production

    Tahmoor Coal posts a record annual production and output.

    Federal Government approval

    The Federal Government approves the Tahmoor South Project under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act. Approval of the project secures the futures of more than 400 workers and inject millions of dollars into the region.

  3. Tahmoor South plan revision

    Tahmoor Coal announces a substantially revised mine plan for Tahmoor South in response to feedback received from community and government following a public display and consultation process.

  4. Bushfire

    Tahmoor Coking Coal Operations was impacted by the Green Wattle Creek Bushfire.

    Longwall West 1

    Extraction of Longwall West 1 in the Western Domain area commenced.

    Longwall 32

    Extraction of Longwall 32 completed.

  5. Purchase by GFG Alliance

    Tahmoor Coal Pty Limited was purchased by GFG Alliance and was relaunched as Tahmoor Coking Coal Operations.

    Mine evacuation

    No.3 Shaft winder failed, leading to evacuation of the mine. Redeployed Tahmoor staff undertook community projects across the Wollondilly region.

    Chairman’s Award win

    The Tahmoor Winder Recovery Project received the GFG Alliance Chairman’s 2018 Excellence Award.

    Longwall 32

    Extraction of Longwall 32 commenced.

  6. Longwalls 30 and 31

    Extraction of Longwall 30 completed. Extraction of Longwall 31 commenced. Extraction of Longwall 31 completed.


    Glencore commenced the process of selling Tahmoor Underground.

  7. Longwalls 29 and 30

    Extraction of Longwall 29 completed. Extraction of Longwall 30 commenced.

  8. Longwalls 28 and 29

    Extraction of Longwall 28 completed. Extraction of Longwall 29 commenced.

  9. Longwalls 27 and 28

    Extraction of Longwall 27 completed. Extraction of Longwall 28 commenced.

  10. Merger

    Xstrata and Glencore merged to become one company. Tahmoor commenced trading as Tahmoor Underground Mine.

  11. Redbank Tunnel

    Abigroup constructed the Redbank Tunnel deviation.

    Longwalls 26 and 27

    Extraction of Longwall 26 completed. Extraction of Longwall 27 commenced.

  12. Longwalls 25 and 26

    Extraction of Longwall 25 completed. Extraction of Longwall 26 commenced.

    Water management

    Major improvements were made to water management in the Reject Emplacement Area and Coal Stockpile Area. A recycled water plant and wastewater treatment plant were constructed.

  13. Award win

    The Tahmoor project to manage mine subsidence on operational railways was awarded the 2010 Engineering Excellence Award by Engineers Australia (Newcastle Division), jointly with GHD, and the Australian Mining Prospect Award aimed to encourage, recognise and reward excellence in the Australian mining industry.

    Tahmoor South investigation

    Investigation of Tahmoor South commenced.

  14. Redbank Tunnel deviation

    Planning commenced for the Redbank Tunnel deviation.

  15. Longwalls 24 and 25

    Extraction of Longwall 24A completed. Extraction of Longwall 25 commenced.

  16. Longwall 24

    Extraction of Longwall 24B completed. Extraction of Longwall 24A commenced.

    Xstrata Coal Pty Ltd

    Xstrata Coal Pty Limited acquired Austral Coal Pty Limited.

  17. Longwalls 23 and 24

    Extraction of Longwall 23A completed. Extraction of Longwall 23B commenced and completed. Extraction of Longwall 24B commenced.

  18. Centennial Coal

    Centennial Coal obtained control of Austral Coal Pty Limited.

    Longwall 23A

    Extraction of Longwall 23A commenced.

  19. Longwalls 21 and 22

    Extraction of Longwall 21 completed. Dowty Meco longwall abandoned in Longwall Panel 21. DBT longwall installed in Longwall Panel 22. Extraction of Longwall 22 commenced.

  20. Longwalls 19-21 inclusive

    Extraction of Longwall 19 completed. Extraction of Longwall 20 commenced. Extraction of Longwall 20 completed. The Tahmoor Coal Preparation Plant improvements commenced. Extraction of Longwall 21 commenced.

  21. Bargo Collieries Consolidated Coal Lease

    Tahmoor Coal Pty Limited acquired Bargo Collieries Consolidated Coal Lease 747.

    Longwalls 17 and 18

    Extraction of Longwall 17 completed. Extraction of Longwall 18 commenced.

  22. Tahmoor North exploration

    Exploration of the Tahmoor North leases commenced.

  23. Major mine upgrade

    Tahmoor Coal Pty Limited announced a major mine upgrade, including purchase of a new longwall. Envirogen gas fired electricity generation plant commissioned.

    Longwalls 18 and 19

    Extraction of Longwall 18 completed. Extraction of Longwall 19 commenced.

  24. Longwall 17

    Extraction of Longwall 17 commenced.


    Tahmoor Coal Pty Limited acquired Bargo Collieries Pty Limited.

  25. Longwall 16

    Extraction of Longwall 16 completed.

  26. Austral Coal Ltd

    Tahmoor Colliery was acquired by Austral Coal Limited.

    Longwalls 15 and 16

    Extraction of Longwall 15 completed. Extraction of Longwall 16 commenced.

  27. Longwalls 14 and 15

    Extraction of Longwall 14B completed. Extraction of Longwall 15 commenced.

  28. Longwall 14

    Extraction of Longwall 14A commenced and completed. Workings in Tahmoor delayed by an igneous intrusion. Extraction of Longwall 14B commenced.

  29. Longwalls 12 and 13

    Extraction of Longwall 12 completed. Extraction of Longwall 13 commenced and completed.

  30. Longwalls 10, 11, 12

    Extraction of Longwall 10B completed. Extraction of Longwall 11 commenced and completed. Extraction of Longwall 12 commenced.

    Tahmoor North

    Development approval for Tahmoor North granted.

  31. Longwalls 9 and 10

    Extraction of Longwall 9 completed. Extraction of Longwall 10A commenced and completed. Extraction of Longwall 10B commenced.

  32. Longwalls 7,8 and 9

    Extraction of Longwall 7 completed. Extraction of Longwall 8 commenced and completed. Extraction of Longwall 9 commenced.

  33. Longwalls 6 and 7

    Extraction of Longwall 6 completed. Extraction of Longwall 7 commenced.

  34. Longwalls 4,5 and 6

    Extraction of Longwalls 4 and 5 commenced and completed. 1989 Extraction of Longwall 6 commenced.

    CRA Limited

    CRA Limited purchased BP’s Australian coal operations, including Tahmoor Colliery, on behalf of its subsidiary Kembla Coal & Coke Pty Limited.

  35. Longwall 3

    Extraction of Longwall 3 commenced and completed.

  36. Bord and Pillar

    Bord and Pillar mining completed in Tahmoor 300 Panel.

    Longwalls 1 and 2

    Extraction of Longwalls 1 and 2 commenced and completed.

  37. Bord and Pillar mining

    Bord and Pillar mining completed in Tahmoor 100 and 200 Panels.

    300 panel

    Bord and Pillar mining commenced in Tahmoor 300 Panel.

    Longwall 1

    Development of Longwall 1 commenced.

  38. BP Coal Development

    Tahmoor Colliery transferred to BP Coal Development.

  39. Ownership transferred

    Ownership of Tahmoor Colliery was transferred to BP Coal and Minerals Pty Limited.

  40. Tahmoor Colliery opens

    Tahmoor Colliery officially opened

    Bord and Pillar mining commences

    Bord and Pillar mining commenced in 100 and 200 Panels.

    Bargo Colliery sealed

    The Bargo Colliery shaft was sealed and fenced.

  41. Approval for road haulage

    Clutha Development obtained approval for road haulage of coal from Tahmoor to the Glenlee Coal Preparation Plant.

  42. First Tahmoor coal

    First batch of coal brought out of Tahmoor. This was sent to Japan for testing.

  43. Bores sunk

    Twenty one deep bores were sunk between Picton and Bargo on behalf of Clutha Development subsidiary Clintons Transports Pty Limited.

    Drivage and sinking commence

    Drivage of the Tahmoor Drift and sinking of No.1 Shaft commenced.

    No 2 shaft collar

    Tahmoor No.2 Shaft Collar constructed.

  44. Council approval

    Wollondilly Shire Council approved the development of Tahmoor Colliery.

    Development commences

    Development of the Tahmoor Colliery Drift Portal and No.1 Shaft Collar commenced.

  45. Bargo Collieries Pty Limited

    Bargo Collieries Pty Limited established by Peko-Brown Mining Company.

  46. Peko-Brown Mining Company.

    Coal & Allied Industries announced that it would develop a new coal mine near Bargo in a joint venture with Peko-Wallsend Limited, named Peko-Brown Mining Company.

  47. State Coal Mines Control Board

    The State Coal Mine Reserve came under the control of the State Coal Mines Control Board.

  48. State Coal Mine Reserve proclaimed

    A large area, covering much of the tableland east of the Wollondilly River and South of the Warragamba River, was proclaimed as a State Coal Mine Reserve.

  49. Exploratory bore sunk

    An exploratory bore, sunk south of the Bargo River, intersected the Bulli No.1 Coal seam at a depth of 390 metres.

    Reserve extended

    The area of the State Coal Mine reserve was extended.

  50. State Coal Mine reserved

    A large area of the County of Camden, including the Tahmoor Coking Coal Operations reserves, was reserved for a State Coal Mine.