Tahmoor Colliery, a member of the GFG Alliance, has engaged extensively with the community and relevant government agencies, including the Member for Wollondilly, prior to and following the submission of the amended mine plan to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE).
The Tahmoor South Project has been subjected to rigorous community consultation processes required under NSW legislation and our subsequent amendments removed the mining activity directly below the community of Bargo, reducing the number of homes to be mined under by 80 percent.
In its assessment released at midday last Friday, the DPIE recommended the approval of the revised plan subject to recommended conditions, citing ‘a reasonable balance between maximising the recovery of a coal resource of State significance and minimising the potential environmental and amenity impacts.’
The area was identified by the NSW DPIE as a ‘mine subsidence district’ in 1975 and the land sits within an area ear-marked for the extension of the Tahmoor Mine since 1990. Tahmoor North, which includes long walls under the township of Tahmoor, has been mined safely and in compliance with NSW subsidence regulations and approval conditions by GFG and our predecessors for 40 years.
We employ more than 400 people, many of whom live in the area, and a further 150 jobs will be created during construction of the project.
It will deliver a net economic benefit of $664.9 million in net present value (NPV2) terms over the next 10 years, including $137.5 million to the local shire, with $32.5 million in NPV terms, expected to be spent with local suppliers.
As confirmed in the revised mine plan, we are committed to delivering a balanced project which enables GFG to continue to employ local people, support local businesses and remain a social and economic contributor to the broader community.
Media enquiries to Matt Johnston; GFG Alliance Manager External Affairs:
+61 438 294 377