More than 140 register interest in working at GFG Alliance operations
8 April 2024
A busy schedule of career expos in South Australia and New South Wales has paid off for the GFG Alliance Australian Workforce Development Team.
Partnering with the Tahmoor Coking Coal HR team, the Workforce Development crew took the “Be a Change Maker” message to the Wollongong Career Expo that attracted more than 2000 university and high school students on March 19.
With two other expos in Adelaide, it appears the thousands of miles and dozens of hours was well worth it as the Workforce Development team had, at the time of writing, received on the dedicated email address more than 140 expressions of interest for vacation student, graduate and apprenticeship roles at Tahmoor and in South Australia.
At Wollongong, Brooke was able to outline the Tahmoor Coking Coal operation to a lot of local students and explain what opportunities exist on their doorstep
Senior Workforce Development Advisor, Rebecca Harris
Senior Workforce Development Advisor, Rebecca Harris was present at all three expos, supported by Workforce Development Pipelines Advisor Katie Docking, and was blown away by the response and the interest show in the GFG Alliance operations.
“We were run off our feet, we barely had a chance to catch a breath as we talked to people or groups, before another stepped up looking for information on what we do and what we offer in vacation, graduate and apprenticeship opportunities,” Rebecca said.
“We had so many bright, inquisitive young people asking questions, scribbling notes on our brochures and taking away a whole bunch of information about our operations.”

Tahmoor Coking Coal HR Superintendent Brooke Johnson was present in Wollongong to give Tahmoor some valuable exposure.
Rebecca said the spread of expertise from those interested in our operations was also pleasing with many enquiries from those studying functional vocations (IT, procurement, date analysis, supply, finance and HR) while operational students (mechanical, electrical and mechatronics) also showed interest in the future vision and opportunities with GFG Alliance.
“At Wollongong, Brooke was able to outline the Tahmoor Coking Coal operation to a lot of local students and explain what opportunities exist on their doorstep,” Rebecca said.
For more information on the GFG Alliance graduate program go to
Main image: The Workforce Development team stand at the Wollongong Career Expo. Above right: Rebecca Harris talks to potential recruits.