Eight teams compete for national honours
4 January 2023
State of Origin rivalry came to Tahmoor recently as the 58th Australian Mines Rescue Competition was held at the SIMEC Mining site.
The colliery was honoured with hosting rights for the first competition held since 2019 due to Covid restrictions. Four New South Wales teams (who won their respective regional competitions) and four Queensland mining teams (also decided by a series of regional competitions) competed for the 2022 title at Tahmoor.
“Hosting this competition has further helped to put Tahmoor on the coal mining map and showcase the next stage of our operation.”
In the end it was a Queensland ‘Maroons’ outfit that won out with the Anglo American team from Grosvenor Mine named the 2022 Australian Underground Mines Rescue champions. The Peabody NSW ‘Blues’ team from Metropolitan was runner-up followed by Anglo American’s Moranbah North Mine (Qld) team in third place.
The Grosvenor team now has the chance to compete in the 2024 International Mines Rescue Competition in Colombia.

Tahmoor Executive General Manager Coal Operations Peter Vale said it was a great experience for the GFG Alliance site to host the October 20 event and he thanked everyone at the mine who contributed to the running of the day.
“On behalf of SIMEC Mining, I’d like to congratulate Boyd Buschmann and the team from Grosvenor on their victory and thank the Coal Services team and our own staff for their hard work in putting on a great event,” Peter said.
“We have long supported Mines Rescue, which not only provides some friendly competition between mines, but importantly helps the teams hone the safety skills and techniques they would need to call upon during an emergency response situation.
“It really was like a mining state of origin clash with all teams very keen to take it out.
“Hosting this competition has further helped to put Tahmoor on the coal mining map and showcase the next stage of our operation.”
The Australian Mines Rescue Competition is run by a committee of joint representatives from NSW Mines Rescue and the Queensland Mines Rescue Service. It is hosted on a rotational basis each year and held in different mining regions.
The day’s format includes several underground and surface simulation exercises to demonstrate knowledge and the use of equipment in realistic scenarios, including exercises to test hazard awareness, underground search and rescue, first aid and fire fighting.
The primary purpose of Mines Rescue is to provide emergency response to the industry in the case of an emergency. Events like these allow the brigades to test and hone their skills in preparation for the unfortunate circumstance where they may be called upon.

The competition is facilitated by Coal Services, an industry owned organisation committed to providing critical service and expertise to the NSW coal mining industry.
Coal Services works in partnership with customers and stakeholders to provide a suite of health, safety, environment and insurance solutions. These critical services support NSW coal mine workers, employers and communities and demonstrate an ongoing commitment to maintaining a safe workplace and a healthy workforce.
Main image: The Peabody Metropolitan (Southern) Team is briefed before an exercise at the Australian Mines Rescue Competition held at the GFG Alliance Tahmoor Colliery.
Teams representing Queensland:
- Grosvenor
- Moranbah North
- Kestrel
- Oaky North
Teams representing NSW:
- Peabody Wambo (Hunter Valley)
- Peabody Metropolitan (Southern)
- Centennial Airly (Western)
- Newcastle
Watch the WIN TV report The coal miners state of origin played out at Tahmoor Coal today (leadstory.com)