Tahmoor South Domain

Tahmoor South


The Tahmoor South Domain extends underground coal mining at Tahmoor Mine, to the south of Tahmoor Coal’s existing Surface Facilities Area.

Tahmoor South consists of 12 longwalls, split into two panels of 6 longwalls labelled the A series and B series. Tahmoor Coal is mining the A series longwalls from 2022 to around 2027.

Current Mine Plan – A series longwalls Tahmoor South Mine Plan Resident Information Pack

Economic Benefits

400 people have continued employment
170+ new jobs during the construction phase over a two-year period
in annual contributions to support community groups, program and projects
local supply of goods and services to the mine
Approx $174 million
is expected to flow through the local Shire
$174+ million
expected local economic benefit; $137.5m (salaries and wages), $32.5 million (goods and services to local suppliers); and $4.7 million in council rates

Tahmoor South Environmental Impact Statement documentation

Tahmoor South Domain news